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One and a half year old male goldendoodle looking for a loving family!


Captain was started as a service dog, so he’s been exposed to many different environments including numerous stores, local events, and nursing homes. He’s sweet, chummy, loves to be where his person is, and is always the most friendly boy with new dogs. His happy place is with his people, so he chooses to stick around even when given the opportunity to run off. Captain doesn’t shed and has a healthy, thick coat. He’s up to date on all vaccinations, was professionally obedience trained including off leash, and has no bad habits. He’s a PERFECT age to be added to a family! His birthday is 7/4/2023.


Captain has accompanied me to countless demonstrations and nursing homes, so you could use him this way as well - it’s really fun! - as therapy dog for nursing homes (his hight, luscious coat, and personality are ideal for this). Captain is a super family dog. He’s been around kids and adults alike, and he knows how to control himself obediently in different environments. 


Reach out if you have interest or questions!


Katherine 641-373-7741


Captain - Companion Dog

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